
Friday, May 20, 2016

10 Lepers

Luke 17:12 10 Lepers "stood afar off"-they were outcasts, unclean and unwanted.
(Do we feel like this? Have we ever battled something and felt alone, outcast or unclean? No? Just me? Ok, then no need to read any further in Luke 17. You're good!)

Luke 17:13 "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us" - they knew him from afar...had probably heard 'rumors' of a miraculous healing done before and then there were rumblings of Jesus coming to their lands....and they held out hope for a miracle to be done for them. 
We read in scriptures, and see examples around us of blessings we desire....but maybe we feel too far gone, unclean, unwanted, outcast from that extra special and privileged group. 

This group had enough faith to cry out.
We have just as direct access to Christ's healing power and blessings as these 10 lepers did! 
They cried out. We cry out!
The same "Physician" is on the other end. 

Luke 17:14 "Go shew yourselves unto the priests" 
This took faith and action. They could probably get into serious trouble for walking into the city and up to the priests while still being leprous and contagious. They were VERY well aware of this. Surely there were other lepers  in that area...but perhaps they didn't believe in the "stories" of miracles? And so they chose to stay in their secluded area? 

I wonder how those other lepers felt when they finally got wind that their bunk mate or chore chap was freed from his burden...and he/she was still stuck.
I bet they wished they could run the streets over in search of this miraculous healer.

(Do we search....intently & urgently....for an answer to what ails us? Do we know where to find Him who has the power to heal? )

(Do miracles happen today? When? To whom? To you? There may have been some we already took for granted in receiving. )

Luke 17:15-16, 19  Think for a moment how those lepers felt as they watched their bodies being healed in real time
With each step, more renewed strength and health. 
What were their thoughts? What did they do after seeing the priests? Who did they visit next?

At least 1 of them wasn't so totally & wholly consumed with what was happening to his/herself. He was cognizant of the source of this great blessing. 
He did not forget the reason, the root, for the beginning of his new life. For surely it was a new and different one from the life he previously envisioned just hours and days before. 

"One of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God. And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks."

Turned Back! ....more than lip service. More than a quick prayer of thanks....he walked back, or maybe ran, to say how grateful he was. 

Have we ever felt so full to the brim of gratitude for someone or something? What did you do? What do you wish you had done? 

Perhaps it is the moment you found your testimony. Or your testimony was renewed/strengthened. 

I bet that leper never forgot to give thanks in his prayers for his new life. 

"loud voice glorified God"--wasn't just between him and God...he wanted everyone to know what God had done. Gave all the credit to Him.  

Matt 11:28 "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest". 
Christ asks the same of us. 
Come unto Him, find rest.