
Saturday, October 23, 2010


Lately, I've been learning more about and earnestly trying to have more gratitude. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. What an amazing principle it is. I thought it was more of a thing of saying 'thanks' when someone did something nice for you. How little did I know. My husband and I were asked to give a talk in Sacrament meeting, our 4th time in under a year, and this time, instead of asking for help to prepare a talk, I asked for help to learn the doctrine. I wanted to really understand Gratitude and not just prepare a talk on it. Marjorie Hinckley was right, Gratitude will give you a touch of refinement that can come in no other way.
Being grateful, and making more conscious efforts to do so, has helped me see more of and be grateful for, the blessings that I normally take for granted or think are commonplace. I have most definitely found out that what our Prophet Thomas S. Monson promised was true, I have gained a closer relationship with Heavenly Father in looking for, acknowledging and showing thanks for His blessings He has so very freely and frequently given me. What a lucky and looked over girl I am.
My dad once taught me about Lehi's vision of the Tree of Life and how we do not need to look around for what else the world or anyone else has to offer. I've tasted of God's love. I loved it. It was sweet. Why should I look anywhere else for happiness, success, or acceptance? Yet, everytime I choose to allow myself to wish for or want the material things or luxuries this life seems to so freely offer, I choose to look elsewhere for happiness. With a grateful heart, I would see no lack, but a life rich with all the things I need and a few areas overflowing. This makes me happy. Not the comparing to others or what's out there, not giving into advertising's gimmicks to make me think that what I currently have isn't good enough, modern enough or attractive enough. On whose standard? Well, with my heart becoming more and more full with gratitude, I'm having less time and room for wanting, wishing or feeling a lack for more. I like this new feeling. The Prophet's words and promises are true. I think I'll let this trend stick around.
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