
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Why I am a Mormon

I am a Mormon because God is real. He desires us to return to live with Him in Heaven. This life has an end and I wish to learn and do all I can to make sure that once I stand before my Maker in Judgment day, I will have done all that He has required to enter into His Holy Place.
We did not come here on accident or without a purpose. We lived before we came to this Earth and we will live again after we die. However, exactly where we will live after we die, is up to us, NOT God. He has given us countless examples and witnesses of His divine love for us and desire for our return, however, He cannot force us to be good. That is our choice. If we choose to listen to the Prophets and do all they say, then will we be rewarded with the promised blessings of a place in Heaven. It would not be fair or just to reward those who traveled through this life with careless abandon and no desire to follow God's commands the same place in Heaven as those who made constant efforts to do good, to live God's commands and follow Christ's example.
I am a Mormon because I believe God has a plan. That plan is given to His times of old as in modern times. God called Adam, Noah, Abraham and Moses. He sent His own Son, Jesus Christ. And He has not stopped loving or caring for us once His Son returned to live with Him in Heaven. He has continued to call Prophets, with the same authority and power as given to those who used to carry a cane and wear a tunic...He speaks and directs the current Prophet today. His name is Thomas S. Monson and just as those who followed Noah and got in the boat and were saved temporally, all those who listen to Prophet Monson have the same promise and will be saved spiritually.
I know this is true because I have asked God in prayer if He calls Prophets today and my prayer was answered.

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